لماذا Healing4All؟
مؤسسة هولندية مرخصة وموثوقة

الخصوصية والسرية
نحافظ على خصوصية بياناتك كاملًا، ونحفظ سرية كل ما تشاركه في الجلسات دون اطلاع أي طرف آخر عليها.

نطمح إلى تحقيق العافية النفسية الشاملة
نحن لا نستهدف في جلساتنا وبرامجنا معالجة الصدمات والأحداث السابقة والتعامل مع الهشاشة النفسية الحالية فقط، بل غايتنا هي إعانة المستفيد خلال نموه ووعيه وزيادة صلابته النفسية أمام أحداث صادمة ممكنة أو غير متوقعة في الحياة.

جلسات فيديو أونلاين
نكسر حواجز المكان ونوفر تكاليف الترحال، مع إمكانية عقد معظم جلساتنا وبرامجنا أونلاين من أي مكان.

نهدف للتمكين
نهدف لتمكين المستفيدين من الاعتماد على أنفسهم في تجاوز مشكلاتهم مستقبلًا، والحيلولة دون تشكل علاقة اعتمادية بين المستفيد والمعالج أو الكوتش.
اطلع على خدماتنا المتميزة ، والتي يمكنك الاشتراك فيها بسهولة.
برامج العلاج النفسي
معالجة المخاوف والصدمات
برامج معالجة الشيخوخة
جلسات المراهقين
برامج التعافي
جلسات الأطفال
آراء أشخاص شاركونا الرحلة
ردود فعل شركاء رحلة Healing4All

Hey, Mustafa
My night was fine. I remember what you say last night. It's just a feeling. So I could sleep although I am always aware and awake You make me feel better

اخذت الجلسة في وقت كنت أمر به في ضغوط نفسية كبيرة خلال الجلسة انتباه كوتش مصطفى لما احتاجه ساعدني كثيراً على الشعور بالأمان والتحرر من المشاعر المتراكمه، انتبهت لمخاوف كثير وقلق لم اكن اعلم بأثرهم علي، وساعدني على تحريره بصبره وتجاوبه معي انتهت الجلسة وانا اشعر بالخفه والراحة والاسترخاء.. لهذا، بالتأكيد متى ما وجدت نفسي اواجه ضغوط ساعود لأخذ جلسات اخرى تساعدني على التجاوز.. فشكراً لك من القلب مصطفى
أشعر بالهدوء والسكينة، وباستطاعتي أن أعبر عن كل ما في داخل قلبي خلال الجلسة. شكرًا لك، فالآن أعلم ماذا أفعل حين الشعور بعدم الراحة

Thaaaaaaaaaaanks! And a thousand thanks to you, Mr. Mustafa. I really felt comfortable after the first session. I was very depressed and stressed, but once I talked to you and practised the recovery exercises, I felt relaxed and comfortable. I will, Insha’Allah, contact you regularly. I am also happy to have known you. A very good morning to u. It was a wonderful experience on my first therapy session. U have been an amazing therapist, a great listener and very understanding without judgement. I noticed a great improvements on my anxiety and the feeling of stuck with my previous relationship memories was released out. Thank you so much.

I’d have loved to tell you: “Thank you so much.” May Allah give you more knowledge and blessings. Honestly, I felt a difference in my feelings but was not aware at the beginning. Thank you for the wonderful session, for now on i always think happiness and forget about the pain and feeling afraid. I'm lucky to meet you, again thank you so much and Godbless.

Thanks, thanks, thanks, Dr. Mustafa. You were the main reason to make me know how to treat mixed feelings from stress, fear, and anxiety. I also could liberate and replace them with tranquillity and passion. And comfort filled my heart. May Allah make it into your Hassanat account, and I wish you all the best!

المدرب مصطفى، أريد أن أرسل كل الحب والاحترام والإعجاب لك ولشخصيتك العظيمة والكريمة.

AlSallamo Alikum, Mr. Mustafa. I’d love to thank you for the session, which I started with feelings of sadness and loneliness and ended with feelings of comfort and peace. Thanks for the breadth of your mind and listening. i feel better but i can not seperate that feeling, sharig a trouble with your friend or thanks to a therapist Generally i was not shy and i could open myself. therefore i am feeling more normal. Touching myself, reminds me how i came alone till today with my brave heart with nobody. So, i also realized i should not feel worry coz i succeed a lot

There was a hugely clear difference. Firstly, I felt comfortable; it was a burden taken off my shoulders. I felt extremely happy, broad-minded, and relaxed. And I could sleep. I thank you a lot, Wallah. Insha’Allah, I will continue with you.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Mustafa. It was a deep and very useful session. Through it, I was able to reach a deep feeling balance, clarity, and comfort. Your merciful responses, excellent ability of deep listening, and safe space creation were key factors in achieving the aim of the session. It was a really beautiful technique. I gently ask Allah to bless you and your knowledge and make you helpful to all.

A great coach with great care for the client. May Allah make him happy and give him more and more. It was a fabulous session having felt good after badness.

Good morning, Coach Mustafa. Whoever does not thank people does not thank Allah. Thanks, from the heart for your goodness in the session. I started the session fully strangled, and life was dark in my face after my mother’s death. Later, I went out with a better mind and psyche. I didn’t expect that as I had tried many coaches before with no benefits. Your mercy and goodness during sessions give them a human sense. This pushes me to come back to you every time.

Hello, Coach Mustafa,
I thank you for the session as I got feelings and sensations of great comfort for my problem. Frankly, I feel I am not able to understand what happened to me as if I am living a dream. All the bad and disturbing feelings I had (disappeared) because I do not indeed feel them. May Allah bless you and your goodness and knowledge.

Liberating feelings seems to take a huge burden off your shoulders and break a chain of your illusions. What ended from these feelings has to evaporate with no remaining effects at all to surround you. The first session was the start, and I am waiting for the other ones. All love!

Thanks, Coach Mustafa, for the Peat Session. I benefited too much from it, and the disturbing image and bad feelings I had just faded. I really feel freer after the session. Your soul is a beauty and makes me open-minded trusting you so much as a real person and professional coach. Thanks, from the heart, and I am grateful to have known your way. Goodbye, and we will be meeting in upcoming sessions since I am concerned about getting rid of many things.

Thanks, Coach Mustafa, for the Peat Session. I benefited too much from it, and the disturbing image and bad feelings I had just faded. I really feel freer after the session. Your soul is a beauty and makes me open-minded trusting you so much as a real person and professional coach. Thanks, from the heart, and I am grateful to have known your way. Goodbye, and we will be meeting in upcoming sessions since I am concerned about getting rid of many things.

From the day I finished talking to you, Mustafa, I swear to Allah I completely forgot about the situation..I became fantastically busier. I prayed for you yesterday:” May Allah bless your knowledge, consciousness, and living.”

I’d love to thank you for listening to me, Mustafa. Today, I’ve seen the way and known the meaning of patience and standing still against harm.

May Allah boost your helpfulness to reach all. Seriously, I am so thankful to you and to your care. May Allah return you all good.

I, and it must be me, would like to thank you as you listened to me whole-heartedly.

I am having a time of forcing my ideas to someone else in order not to feel lonely. Thus, we become unified. Subhana Allah, every time I speak with you, I have more blessings and pleasures. I am grateful to you, Mustafa.